My expressions

Patience is underrated

Patience is underrated, I’ve heard it gets better with age. I haven’t found that to be true yet. Instant gratification is such a part...

Patience is underrated

Patience is underrated, I’ve heard it gets better with age. I haven’t found that to be true yet. Instant gratification is such a part...

The healing power of pets

I have had cats and dogs almost my whole life, so I thought I would share some of the benefits for those that haven't...

Redirect your self-fulfilling prophet

We often seem to have these, so called automatic thoughts about ourselves and our lives. When the thoughts translate into working towards healthy goals,...

Good Morning and Happy Holidays!

I apologize for having been away for so long. I moved, started a new job and had surgery, yada, yada, yada…. I just wanted to...

We Matter

I read an article in the paper today. It was about a family in Eastern Kentucky whose house was damaged beyond repair from the...

Not What I Expected

As a baby, I knew warm hugs and smiles,not yet aware of life’s many trials. My child mind began to understand what I could do,the...

I’ve been there

The emotional perfect storm comes rolling in. Depression, anger and anxiety. It overwhelms. It is very hard to explain it to someone that has...

Was I a fool?

I’ve met people throughout my life that I have trusted, even when there were red flags. I wanted so desperately to see the good...

Who are you?

Do you know who you are? If you have a significant other, do you know who you are without them? The one thing that unsettled...

The WHY of mental health:W – What to doH – How to do itY – You are in charge

Growing up is hard and let’s face it, it only gets harder. With each year comes more responsibilities, prices increase more than salaries, kids...

Express Yourself

If you need to speak and be heard, “Do Unto Others” is listening. Contact us today and express yourself.